Monday, November 30, 2009


Well, I did it! I ran a half marathon and lived to tell the story! I am more than a little amazed because as I mentioned before, I am NOT an athlete. My body was NOT made for running. BUT, I do have a stick-to-it attitude (or at least I did in this case) and that brought me from huffing and puffing and cursing my sore hip/thigh tendon (IT band) on a 3 mile run 12 weeks ago to barely being out of breath at the finish line of the 13.1 mile run yesterday. I wasn't FAST, I didn't WIN, but I crossed the finish line with a respectable time (2:22:15) and I didn't stop to walk, so yeah, I'm pretty pleased with myself :)

Phil was awesome enough to run the half with me so he could a) carry my cliff bars b) carry my accessories as I became too hot (my hat for example) c) get me water at the water stops so I didn't have to stop d) sprint ahead and take dozens of action shots of me and e) provide general support and encouragement. Isn't he the best?

Here are some of the pictures Phil took:

Here's me and Sara at the starting line. Sara was a Speedy Gonzales and we didn't see her again until after we crossed the finish line!

Probably not even half a mile into it yet

Running on time to stop and shop at Aldo

Blowing Phil a kiss

One of my favorite shots of me, despite the port-a-potty in the background

Nice view of Lake Washington on the right...didn't stop to enjoy it though

Very focused...just keep running, just keep running

Smiling for the papparazzi

Just crossed I-5 for the last time...about 1.5 miles or so to go here

Done! Was kind of surreal at the finish line. Like, "really, I'm done?"

Me and my running assistant :)

What a great experience. I can't wait for the next one! Well...maybe I can wait a few months ;)


  1. So proud of you! I hope I can do it someday :)

  2. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I'm proud of you - I actually teared up a bit reading this! I wish I had as much stamina as you do. You're amazing!

  3. Awwwww! I love how your honey ran it with you for support. Love it!!! <3
